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all that glitters is glam!


Originally posted on Friday, February 28, 2014


I wanted this post to be about wedding trends I heart this year, but when I thought about the weddings I have on the books so far, one trend does not stick out among them. All of my brides this year (and really, always) are such individuals, who gravitate towards me for my out-of-the-box events and to make their weddings unique and personable. So, that’s the trend I see— brides want a special detail that is all their own, whether it’s a bouncy house for the kids, skeleton key details, or custom marquee signs, each one of my brides always wants a personal touch.


And my favorite personal touch? GLITTER. Always. When done well, glitter (and by glitter I include all things that sparkle and shine) is classy, a throw-back to old Hollywood glam with an appropriate amount of pomp. There is, however, a fine line between classy and tasteless. It can’t be a head-to-toe look, I like to say, because you wouldn’t put on a glittery dress and then pair it with sparkly shoes and even shinier accessories. That would be overkill. I am intentional with my glittery elements and consider their impact in the full scheme of your event. Components of glitter can work to play up the lighting, cause a splash, and be a memorable finishing detail.



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