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I can't believe it's already engagement season again! Every year, betweeen Thanksgiving and Christmas, over 40% of couples get engaged, with Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Eve being the most popular dates. Since family, good cheer, and future intentions abound, it really is the perfect time of year for a thoughtful and romantic proposal.


So, here are some tips and resources for the fellas:


1. Yes, speak to your partner's father and parents. Asking for permission is a traditional gesture that carries importance.

2. Make it a complete surprise. Hide the ring, be mysterious, and treat your love to a once in a lifetime-sized surprise.

3. Know what you're going to say. Prepare your words before the nerves and the adrenaline of the moment take over.

4. Make sure someone captures the moment on camera. You will want video and pictures of your proposal for the years to come. 

5. Get down on one knee. This chivalrous gesture, the taking of your love's hand, and your heartfelt words are the keys to a romantic proposal.

6. Solicit the best friends for their advice on the ring. Your engagement ring says volumes about your relationship and your future bride, so the choice is a big one. Get help and please check out these links.


Good luck, fellas! I have more great engagement photos and ideas on our Pinterest!

And, as always readers, please feel free to contact me with any questions!


Enjoy the season!



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